
Showing posts from July 4, 2010

365-192 Rocket Launch

Image off Our Cub Scout Pack did a rocket launch, it was the first time for my son, now a WeBLoS I. His rocket was put together by me, decorated by him and dad added the engine and the scout master helped with the launch!  It was a great lift off, and the parachutte worked so well we never saw the rocket again because it landed on the roof of the school! :( But there was a spare and we did two more launches! In all we got the rocket launch done before the heat of the day and before the rain!

365-191 Turkey's hanging out...

If you look closely you will see many turkeys near the tree.  I was driving along a local rt. and saw them by the side of the road.  I loved seeing the babies with the adults.  I tried to turn around and take more photos but by the time I did they were gone.

365-190 Flare Night


365-189 Sailing....

Finger Lakes NY

365-188 Reflection

reflection of the sky in a small runoff pond in Fillmore Glen State Park NY


First of many bridges at Fillmore Glen State Park in NY

365-186 Fireworks
